Thursday, July 5, 2012

Grown Ups (2010)

Ahh, Adam Sandler why must you make such unfunny movies. You used to make hilarious films that were such good times. Films like Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, and Mr. Deeds. Those were awesome!

But! Then there came Grown Ups. This movie was directed by Dennis Dugan, who is known for his partnership with the funny (and unfunny) Adma Sandler movies. This movie stars Adam Sandler (also co-written by him), Chris Rock, Kevin James, David Spade, and Rob Schnieder. Okay, now with a cast like that you expect (at least I did) comedy gold or at least a good time. The movie is about these 5 basketball players winning a championship of something related to basketball (the movie never tells you). Also, how come there are only 5 players. They need at least one sub. Anyways their coach dies and we see the basketball players 30 years older. Adam Sandler is a rich agent in Hollywood. Kevin James is a co-owner of a lawn furniture company (does that even exist???). Chris Rock is a stay home father. David Spade is some sort of playboy. And lastly Rob Schnieder is the weirdo in every group of friends and somehow has married and divorced a bajillion amount of times. These guys all have wives and kids, except David Spade, and to the films credit it does have quite a few characters and show what their traits and character are but it doesn't amount to much. Many characters are either unlikeable and/or underdeveloped. The children are also portrayed as stupid, mean, and ignorant. So the basket-ball players and their wives and children all stay in this log camp house thing for some reason. Something I don't get is why do they stay at the house thing? They at first go to the funeral yes, but why do they stay? I mean they would catch up with each of their lives in a restaurant or something. Or maybe go to the same house but just stay for one day and go back to their regular lives but oh well. Then the team that they played with 30 years ago somehow find them and want a rematch cause they think they cheated and the rest of the story (the little that their is) unfolds.

Where this movie fails is at the comedy. It is just an unfunny movie. With this cast I was definitely expecting a really funny movie with classic Sandler who made movies I loved but was reduced to this, and eventually much worse. I didn't laugh once in this movie. Rob Schneider's character was one I gennualy did not like. It was disgusting watching a 40 year old man french kissing with what seems to be a 60+ year old woman. I did not like this movie. Mainly because it's boring and unfunny. Unfunny scenarios. Unfunny characters. Unfunny comedy. This movie had tons of potential but failed in almost everything. And of course it made lots of money. I'm sure everyone who watched this had the same expectation as me and was disappointed for the most part. And of course they are gonna make another one which won't make any sense why they would catch up again.


P.S. My next movie is gonna be a more recent movie. Cheers!!

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